The Anti-Soccer Mom

So it’s pretty easy to see how these activities can literally pull a family apart and drive us away from what is most important. Family time, having a close relationship with our spouse and children, and experiencing life to its fullest. These are typically the items at the top of everyone’s priority list but wind up falling to the bottom in the soccer mom’s reality lifestyle. That’s where the Anti-Soccer Mom can make a difference…

Take Back Control

All the chaos is not good for anyone in the family. With everyone going in different directions, it’s impossible to live in accordance with your values. So you need to take back control. While it may not be easy at first, you need to cut back the kids’ schedule. Likely they will be resistant, just be sure to explain to them why. When they begin to understand that you are doing this because you love them and actually want to be around them, you may be surprised what a positive impact that can make. Typically these kids are feeling pretty neglected and misunderstood anyway, but just don’t know it. By slowing life down a little they will be getting the type of attention they have been missing dearly.

Once you’ve cut back on their schedule, then you need to fill the time with activities in line with your values. Here’s a bullet list from the Anti-Soccer Mom:

~ Rearrange your life in order to have sit-down meals together.

~ Invest in some family board games like Cranium and make sure to carve out the time to play them.

~ Purchase a subscription to the USA Today, skim it, and debate current world topics at the dinner table. Make sure no opinion is “right”, rather discuss values and ethics as it pertains to the subject.

~ Turn off the TV.

~ Play together – there’s nothing better than heading to a park and tossing a football around.

~ Illustrate how to have a great marriage by living it.

~ Show them how to take care of their bodies by taking care of your own.

It’s what we do every day that teaches our children how to live and love. Make sure your actions and messages are congruent with what you believe and want to teach.

And don’t be afraid to be the Anti-Soccer Mom on your block. You might be surprised that they likely will envy your new and wonderful lifestyle.
